Friday, August 30, 2024

Camera Shots/Angles Quiz

 Camera Shots/Angles Quiz

For this assignment we were asked to create a story using 15 shots with specific shots and angles.

The story I decided to tell was about a water bottle who accidentally tripped over a pen, the water bottle felt helpless until a girl found him and helped him back up. The bottle was so happy and appreciative that him and the girl became friends.

I think I did a good job with the taking of the shots and the different angles. However, because the water bottle was really small compared to if we were taking shots of only a human. It became a little complicated trying to differentiate long shots and medium shots. I think I did a pretty good job with the two-shot and the close ups. I could have organized the order of the shots better. I think I could have done a better job with the establishing shots and the long shots specially at the beginning.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 Im Daniela and im creating this blog for my Aice Media class.  Here i will be publishing some of my work and projects!

Music/ Editing

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