Thursday, October 31, 2024

Genre Research Blog Activity

 Rom Coms

Rom Coms are a very popularly used sub genre for romance. These types of films are mostly directed towards women in group ages of (15-34). These age groups have made this sub genre extremely popular and watched throughout the world. Rom coms like “To all the boys iv’e loved before” and “When Harry met Sally” show very clearly the age group these films are directed to. While more teens will lean towards “ To all the boys i've loved before” and age groups of mid 20s to 30s will lean toward “ When Harry met Sally”. 

These films usually have the main character for which the story will revolve around. Usually accompanied by a group of friends for each of the characters. This usually happens in a realistic environment. Rom-coms usually have a climax at the middle of the story which will usually have a “happy ending”. This is clearly shown in the movie “Anyone but you” where the story begins with no issue between the two characters and as the story begins to develop they start hating each other and by the end of the morning they end up together and have their happy ending.

Some usual techniques used within this sub genre are not only realism but the use of colors signifying feelings of the character and moments shown through costume design and set designs. The woman main character usually wear colors like orange during the beginning of the film signifying their happiness and confidence while using colors like blue, white and black throughout the climax of the story and colors like yellow and red at the end of the story signifying the romance and optimism during the happy ending.These films tend to be based in cities like New York and Boston. They tend to focus a lot on the soundtrack making sure the songs add to the purpose of the story and sometimes even signifying a character's feeling. 

These films are usually marketed with colors usually more attractive to women like pink, red using carefully selected fonts like in the movie “27 dresses” an extremely popular movie within this sub genre.

How to lose a guy in ten days: Is a rom com about two characters a woman Andie Anderson (Kate Hudson) and the man Benjamin Berry (Matthew McConaughey). This movie was filmed in New York, a common genre convention for rom coms. The story begins as Andie is working at a magazine company and she's tired of always writing about the same things and beauty she wants to write about world issues and economy. While Benjamin Barry is trying to get this pitch for his company in order to do so they make a bet that if he can make any woman fall in love with him he gets it. While Andie’s boss tells her if she's able to write an article about losing a guy in 10 days kinda like a how to the other way around she will get to write about whatever she wants. Eventually they end up meeting each other and that when the plot truly begins, this film is completely realistic., This film uses a lot of dark lighting and tone during scenes where they are either mad at each other or there's a serious moment going on. However they use bright colors during uplifting or comedy moments. This movie starts as a slow paced movie and slowly through the movie the pace continues increasing. For the marketing of this movie they created the cover with a shade of hot pink and her wearing a yellow dress along with catching font and placement. This movie is more likely to be more appealing to people in their late teens to thirties which is common for rom coms.

10 things I hate about you: This film follows teenage girl Kat Strawford (Julia Stiles) and teenage boy Patrick Verona (Heath Ledger) . These two guys make a plan so that they can date Kat's sister however in order for Kat’s sister to be able to date Kat also needs to date. They then pay Patrick to date her. The stylistic choices in Kats costume represent her personality. She doesn't get along with many people, she loves to argue etc.. The climate of this story occurs when Kat realizes this was a bet all along after she finally opened up to someone. Patrick extremely regrets it because he finds something far greater in what was supposed to be a simple vet. During one of their best moments they get painted and by the end they end up covered full of bright colors along with bright lighting which represent the timeline. Like a usual convention for rom coms they get their happy ending. The cover of the movie also utilizes pink and includes the two main characters in the center accompanied by the side characters.

Friday, October 18, 2024



The tv show modern family has two major representation patterns in different characters like Gloria a Hispanic woman who immigrated to the us with her kid and got married to a rich old mad called Jay. Gloria's character is the stereotypical hispanic woman represented in media she had dark hair, brown eyes and a very noticeable accent. Especially during the first season they looked down on her and thought of her as a "gold digger".  In the show she's extremely loud, loves gossip and is a little aggressive. All of these are typical traits we see in hispanic woman represented in the media. The show has multiple jokes regarding the character's culture and whenever she would pronounce something wrong or mess up.

We also then have the character of Alex the "nerd" one from her family she also fits the typical stereotype this character has brown hair, glasses, short, and always doing school work. She would constantly miss activities and had no social life due to always overachieving. They made most of her personality to be around being the smart of the family and having the pressure of always being perfect and the expectation to be the best. It was like school was the only thing she cared about in the show not fashion or sports. Alex's character is shy and a bit of an "outcast" which is a typical stereotype for this character.

These two fit the standard for their characters not only their physical features but personality and cultural aspects too. Gloria's character would constantly be open about her opinion and was very connected to her culture. Her accent was on of the biggest part of her character as well as Alex was her intelligence and her shyness. This show was very driven by different stereotypical characters following the certain standards in this case a "hispanic woman" or "nerd".

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Sound Project

 During the lesson of sound, I learned about different types of sound like Asynchronous and Synchronous. Something that really surprised me was how during actual filming the only sound they record is the dialogue and any other sound is filmed separately.

For this project we were assigned to do a brainstorming of something that could happen in a 1–2-minute timespan. We were then able to use online effects and do at least 4 sounds using foley to create our project.

During the brainstorming we wrote down an order of how we wanted things to happen and what sounds we would be using either online or foley. We then had to brainstorm all possible sounds in a boat ride. Our outline was extremely beneficial when it came to putting all the sound together for the project and knowing what goes next. For this project we used mostly Adobe premiere pro and to add the last two foley sounds DaVinci Resolve. I think our project started out really well however towards the end we realized it was more complicated than we thought specially when trying to create the shark sound and the boat going fast with all the people's voices. I think we should've planned out better how we were going to do that part really specifically and maybe because it's our first time working with sound doing something simpler. 

Music/ Editing

  Music/ Editing Process Hey!! Today is a pretty exiting day we began editing a little portion of our project! We began editing and so far o...